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Running out of time to get everything done in your business?

Or maybe you are feeling inundated with all the little daily tasks that you never get to focus on the parts of your business that really matter.

If you are feeling overwhelmed or that your business is not progressing in the way that you want it to, delegation could be the solution.

So, what is delegation and how to delegate effectively?

Read on to find out!


Delegation refers to the process of assigning tasks and responsibilities to team members or external sources. The purpose is to effectively manage your workload and achieve your business goals.

Delegation is a super important aspect of small business management, as often, there are only a small number of people working in and on the business. So, delegation helps to distribute tasks and responsibilities and ultimately contributes to the success of the business.

The kinds of tasks you might delegate could be customer service, marketing, financial management, inventory management, and other day-to-day operations. It helps business owners to become more efficient and effective, as with fewer routine tasks on your plate, you can focus on higher-level strategic planning and decision-making.

It also provides your team (if you have one!) the opportunity to develop new skills and take on additional responsibilities, which can increase their job satisfaction and motivation.

While delegation can be great for business, it's important to note that it requires careful planning and communication to be successful. You must clearly communicate your expectations and deadlines, provide ongoing support and feedback, and ensure that everyone is on the same page in terms of priorities and goals.


How do you know when the time has come to start delegating tasks?

Well, these are a few of the early signs:

1. Too much work: If you find yourself struggling to keep up with your current workload, then it is probably time to bring in some extra help. 

2. Skill gaps: Got some tasks or projects you aren't sure you have the skills to handle? If you are finding that you need more specialised skills in your business, delegating the tasks or projects that fall into those categories will help you focus on the things that you do best.

3. Bottlenecks: If there are tasks that are causing a bottleneck in your workflow, it may be time to delegate those tasks to someone who can handle them more efficiently.

4. You need time to work ON your business: It is really easy to get bogged down with the day to day routines of running a business. Then suddenly, you realise that you haven’t been able to work on the tasks that will drive your business forward. If this is happening to you, delegation is the answer!

5. Low-level tasks are taking priority: Every job is important in a business. However, not all of them have to be done by you personally. As a business owner, it's important to spend your time on high-level tasks that require your unique skills and expertise. Delegating lower-level tasks to others can free up your time to focus on these strategic tasks.

6. Time to scale: If you have plans to grow your business, delegating tasks is essential. You can't do everything on your own, and delegating tasks to your team or specialist service providers can help you scale your business more effectively.


Not going to lie, it can be hard to let go of the tasks you are used to doing on a routine basis. So, in order to be comfortable about delegating them, you need to have someone you trust to take on the responsibility.

The most obvious choice for delegation is someone that is already on your team, as long as they have the necessary skills and you provide the right training. But, if you are a solopreneur or your team is already at capacity with their workload, then a contractor or service provider could be the solution you need.

A specialist service provider can provide you with the confidence to delegate as they are an expert in their field. You also only have to pay for the hours they spend completing your tasks, so it can be an affordable and efficient solution.


Be Clear On The Tasks

Delegation is great for business, but you can’t delegate everything on your plate. There will be some tasks that are too strategic or too critical to your core business. So, before you begin the process of delegation, make a list of tasks that you can safely delegate.

Here are some examples of those tasks:

  1. Recurring tasks: jobs that pop up every week or month can be time-consuming, so these are often great candidates for delegation. They can be things like content creation, quotes and invoices, data entry, payroll, customer follow-up, website updates etc.

  2. Tasks outside your expertise: are there things you procrastinate about because you aren’t sure how to do them? Or things that take you so long because you have to double check you are still doing them right? Delegating these tasks will not only free up time, but it will also give you peace of mind that they are being completed correctly.

  3. Jobs you do out of habit: when you first start a business, you take care of all the things. But, are there tasks you are still completing just because you always have? These kinds of tasks are perfect for delegation. Sure, they need to be done, but they don’t necessarily need to be done by you personally.

Once you have established the tasks that fall into these three categories, note them all down in a list so that it is clear which work you are going to delegate or outsource.

Build Up To It

As we have already indicated, it can be REALLY hard to let someone else take on your work.

Especially if it is an important or critical task. The good news is that you don’t have to delegate everything all at once. A good way to approach delegation is by building up to it.

Hand over some small tasks first so that you get used to the feeling. Then, slowly build up to handing over bigger and more important tasks if needed.

Provide Context

To make sure your delegation is successful, you will need to provide certain details to your team member or service provider. That should include:

  • Details about the work to be completed

  • Guidance on how to get the task done

  • The deadline for the job

  • Any skills or tools required to complete the task

  • Any priorities or expectations

  • The desired outcome

  • Any related work to be completed or if it is a recurring task

Focus On The Results

When you delegate or outsource certain work, chances are, the person will do it slightly differently from the way you would. But, that’s ok! As long as they achieve the right end result.

Rather than showing them the exact way the task should be done, focus on the outcome that should be achieved. This will allow your team member or chosen service provider to develop their own efficient process for getting the job done.

They can draw on their own skills and experience to complete the task in a way that works for them.

Not only does this create individual efficiency, but it proves that you trust their abilities.

Don’t Micromanage

Part of the delegation process is trusting the person you choose to take on the work. While it is tempting to micromanage the process, you need to take a step back and give your team member or service provider the space they need to complete the task.

While you can check in periodically to see if they need help or support, remain hands-off and allow them to work through things. Trust is necessary, but you are still responsible for the overall outcome, so it can be helpful to set a review cycle so that you can check things are on track and modify the direction while still in progress.

Credit Where Credit’s Due

When done well, delegation can help your business to boom. And, your team members may get to learn new skills and get involved in important projects, while you free up precious time to work on growth and development.

Respect that process and don’t forget to say thank you! Give credit where credit is due amongst your team and the providers that you work with. Positive energy helps to encourage good outcomes, so keep the good vibes flowing!

GOOD Delegating

So, is it time to start delegating some tasks in your business? Hooray!

Take a look at your team to establish whether they can take on some of the tasks you are planning to delegate. It’s important to choose people who have the skills to suit.

If you don’t have anyone on your team that can take on the work, then it’s time to explore other GOOD options. That’s where our team can come in.

We are skilled executive virtual assistants that take the difficulty out of how to delegate effectively.

Administration, accounts admin, process and systems, dairy management, content creation, creative assistance… we do it all and more.

So, book a time to chat with our team today. Here’s the link to choose a convenient time to chat.


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